Hello, my name is Sherrie Howe and I will be your guide through this Kundalini Reiki Course. I'm considered an Energetic Therapies Specialist and am certified in the following healing techniques:

  • Reiki Master Teacher (RMT)
  • Kundalini Reiki Master (KRM)
  • Crystal Fusion Therapy ™ (my own healing technique)
  • Crystal Therapy Practitioner (CRP)
  • Integrative Crystalline Therapist (ICT)
  • Animal Reiki
  • Dowsing (using Pendulums)
  • EFT & TFT Techniques (Tapping)

These Kundalini Reiki classes consist of written self reading materials as well as an audio meditation attunement. If you elect to become a Kundalini Reiki Master Teacher, you will receive the meditation as a written file as well so you can pass it along as you see fit.   

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Table of Contents Level 2

A message from Archangel Michael on cutting Karmic Ties................1
A message from Quan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion.......................4

Kundalini Level 2 Cutting Karmic Ties

Archangel Michael on Cutting Karmic Ties

I AM Michael the Archangel. Greetings to you, One and All. I come to you through Hari Das Melchizedek. It is a pleasure and an honor to be with you. I would speak with you about some of what being an Archangel means. There was a time when there weren’t many Archangels. Yes, there were some, but their numbers were very few. Now many Angels and Archangels have contracted to take human births, many of the children that have been born in the last four to five of your Earth time are from the Angelic and Archangelic realms. These Angels and Archangels, as they take human birth, experience a newfound freedom of a way of doing things. Understand that the Angels and Archangels were created by Mother –
Father - God to perform certain tasks, and in the performance of these certain tasks there was not too much free will. Like myself, Michael.

Many, many human beings know who Archangel Michael is, because there are many mentions in the Christian scriptures. There are many pictorial representations in church and cathedral glass windows, but many do not understand, really, what my place is and how many other Archangelic and Angelic beings are under my command. You could say that I have at my command many, many Legions of Light, many legions of Angles whose task it is to protect, transmute and oversee the plan of Love in the focus of the cosmic plan and the whole of creation. The focus of the cosmic plan for the whole of creation is, of course, the integration of Love, unconditional Love for one’s self; and also the task of my Legions of Light and myself is the protection of human beings.

Some would ask, “Why do I need the protection of Michael? Why do I need protection at all?” The answer to that is that some humans have focused enough Love into their hearts that they are now indestructible, that they are impervious to the energies of the dark brothers and sisters and they do not need protection, but the truth of the situation is that many humans still need surrounding by the energies of Light and the energy of Love to hold back the discordant energies, and energies that have disassociated themselves from the Source. Many would ask why Mother – Father - God allows
discordant energies to operate within creation. It is because of free will. And understand that also Mother – Father - God does not judge, just experiences and Loves.

Also, as well, many ones during this time that is known as the fall… contracted to create discordant energies, to instill fear into the hearts of humans that have not yet developed the capability to Love themselves. So, this is where fear originates from, that many feel within their hearts, when the word extraterrestrial, when the word Lucifer, when the words interfere, it is disempowerment … because they have still not yet integrated Love for themselves, and they are still subject to the Laws of Karma.


The Laws of Karma are simple… it is a Law of Cause and Effect. If you throw a stone in the pond, ripples emerge all the way around from the point where the stone entered the water. That is a demonstration of the Law of Cause and Effect. The Laws of Cause and Effect were put into place so that all ones might reap the rewards of their actions. When I say reap the rewards of their actions, it’s not always the rewards that you would have liked.

Now is the time that there is dispensation from the Karmic Board. The Karmic Board is chaired by a being whose name many of you will be familiar with. The chair of the Board is Quan Yin. She is the Goddess of Compassion. Many would know her as the Chinese Mary. Through her compassion she has decided the dispensation be given to all humans now and all humans can, if they wish, become free of all the Laws of Cause and Effect. But you have to understand how to free yourselves from the Laws of Cause and Effect. Unless you ask, I will not cut the ties that bind you because it is your free will, your decisions to stay within the confines of these energetic ties which connect you through your thoughts, words, actions and deeds that you have performed since you were created and came to this planet. These energetic ties bind you through your Chakras, they bind you through your Chakras and hold you, bind you energetically to the other beings, the beings that you have to pay back. Even after the balance has been achieved, many times there is still not a releasing of the ties. You could say that now is the time to forgive yourself of your sins. I say “sins” because you have heard the preaching of the Christian priests, you have heard the preaching of the Christian controllers. They have told you that you are all sinners, that you would not be born, that you would not be incarnated on planet Earth unless you are a sinner. In many ways this is true, but you are not born because it is the retribution of Mother – Father - God for your misdemeanors and energetic mistakes. You are not punished and sent back to this planet to have uncomfortable times, to have things happen in your life that do not make you happy, that are not pleasant experiences. Each and every one of you choose, made a conscious choice to incarnate again into a human body and learn the lessons. You could understand, or you could equate incarnation or reincarnation as a school class. When you first go to school you learn the basics of interacting with others, what is required of you socially, what is required of you by the others of your kind, your race… but just the basics, and then you graduate from the first school that you go to and you go to another school, and you learn other things. You learn mathematical skills, communication skills. We are, of course, leaving out here the energies which are put into your psyche to control you. So you could say that when you have a life on Earth, you learn or you sit at the back of the class and don’t do anything. But if you are a keen student, you come forward, you absorb the information, you learn and then you go to the thing called death. That is your graduation, and then you realize there is much more to learn, so then you go to the next level of school, you incarnate again, you go through the next class, and if you are a keen and diligent student you learn anything you need to learn and then you die, you graduate all over again. And then you decide to come back and take the next class and learn.


As you learn, you learn to balance the experiences. you learn to balance the energies. You understand, that it is desirable not to do things unto others that you would not like to have done unto you. Some students take longer, some decide to take the scenic route home, and others buy a ticket on the straight through express. There is not judgment, either way it is perfect, either way is perfect for each and every one. Mother – Father - God is compassionate and nonjudgmental and forgives you for everything, you could say before you ever did it. It is only yourselves that are holding the sins in your hearts, and when you go to your priests and ask them about sin, or you confess your sins, they never tell you about the freedom that you achieve through the balancing of these energies.

So now, brothers and sisters of Earth, it is now time to forgive yourselves. It is time to forgive yourselves, it is now time to let go of the guilt, because what is sin? Sin is just something that you hold, it is a concept that you have as human beings, and sin really is feelings of guiltiness. It is now time to release all contracts, all connections… all vows of poverty. There is no point in affirming that you are now ready for abundance, if you still have outstanding vows of poverty. There is no point in affirming that you are now open to receive the Love, when you have already made vows in the past that you will not be open to receiving the Love, because those vows, unless they are cancelled, still hold. They are still written down in the Akashic Records, they are there in your own personal record books. Understand that these blockages are created by your own selves.

Now when we talk about ties with other beings, when you hurt a person, be it physically, mentally, or emotionally, you have a tie with them. Understand that many humans have lost sight of the fact that these ties may last for thousands of years, because of the lack of forgiveness for one’s self. Also many humans do not understand that when they merge with another human being in sexual intercourse, that you have a tie through your base (Root) Chakra and through your sexual (Sacral) Chakra which would last for at least seven to ten years. Many humans are promiscuous in this way. This is not a judgment, just an observation. You have human bodies to enjoy them, there is nothing wrong with enjoying your human body, there is nothing wrong with having fun with your human body. But understand that having intercourse with another one, or merging with another one with your physical body, when the energy of Love is not present, is really not desirable. When I say it is not desirable, I would point out to you that these are ties that hold and bind, and as the other goes through their emotional processes, as they go through their mental processes, you also, as well, feel the energies of it through these links. So, we will take you through a visualization, through a meditation to cut off the ties that bind, to rescind all previous vows of poverty, to rescind all previous vows of not being able to love, to rescind all previous vows of silence, to rescind all previous vows you have made to ignore your emotional body.


I would now like to bring in The Yoga of Laughter Quan Yin

I Am Quan Yin. The voice of Quan Yin is seldom channeled and I come to you through John Armitage. Many ones don’t even know who I am. I AM the Chairlady of the Karmic board. I AM the Goddess of Compassion and the Goddess of Mercy, but also I would like to be known as the Goddess of Laughter, because I bring to you just a few short sentences which I would like you to listen to very carefully. My sister, Mary, brings you a message of Compassion and Love. She brings you ways that, if you use them, you can easily become Love. I come to give you the message that if you laugh, it will be easier to become Love.

Many ones think that this spiritual life is serious, that all ones should have straight faces and be thinking, “I AM Love, I AM Light. I will not enjoy myself because it is not spiritual. Laughing in the presence of Mother/Father God is not allowed.” I come to tell you that Mother/Father God loves Laughter, and the main part of this message is – learn to laugh at yourselves.

Because when you learn to laugh at yourselves, you will be able to let go of this seriousness, to let go of this fear and conditioning from which you all suffer. When you laugh, you will release waves of energy that ripple through the universe. Not only through the universe, but through the multi-dimensional universes. When you laugh in the third dimension, many beings enjoy this laughter and laugh with you. So remember, make jokes about yourselves. It is a good way to get through your blocks, making jokes about yourselves. Learn to laugh when you see something in yourself, when you see habits, these habit patterns, within yourselves that you have been suffering from – energies that have been holding you back through fear. Let them go by laughter. Don’t run around saying, “How can I deal with this? How can I let this go?” Laugh! Because laughter is the essence of Love.

And when you can laugh at yourself, remember that you are also being compassionate towards yourself. Many ones would say, “I am a compassionate being. I am compassionate to all.” And then would add as an afterthought, “But how can I be
compassionate to myself?” How can you be a compassionate being if you are not compassionate to yourself? Being compassionate to oneself is true compassion. So, learn to laugh. Spiritual life, I tell you, is not serious. It is the conditioning of the priests and priestesses that tell you that you must not laugh in the presence of God. They forgot that the presence of God is everywhere, that God IS. So were they telling us that we must not laugh at all, anywhere upon earth, or even on any other planet, or through the multi-dimensional universes, should people not laugh? I say – keep laughing.

Remember these jokes, because as you make jokes about yourself, you will learn a lot about yourself. All ones are worthy in the eyes of God, my children. So take this laughter, take this energy of laughter and use it.


This message of laughter that I bring you, you don’t have to sit and you don’t have to open up your hearts to receive laughter. The laughter is already within you. So now we have a new form of yoga. It is called Laughter Yoga, and this Laughter Yoga means that instead of being serious for five hundred years, and starving yourself and denying yourself, you can now laugh for five hundred years. And instead of being half starved, half crazy, filthy and all the other things that you did with yoga for five hundred years, after five hundred years you will be beautiful. You will have no lines upon your faces except the lines of laughter, not the lines of fear. You will not have wrinkled foreheads and brows. You will have lines around your mouth, you will have lines around your eyes that when you laugh, they twinkle and move. You will become whole through laughter.

So, my message is, starting today practicing this Yoga of Laughter. This Yoga of Laughter will enlighten you. It has been used upon this planet for thousands of years, “I want to become enlightened.” But if you break up this word enlightened, it is
en-lightened. People would ask, “Why would I want to become light?” Because you will become enlightened! That is why you want or need to become light. It is very simple. I will leave you with one final thought, and this is – why can angels fly? Because they are light! Remember these words, and most of all my message of laughter. Laughter Yoga is the lesson of the day. Bless you all my children.


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