Crystal Fusion™ Therapy

Crystal Fusion™ Therapy

Crystal Fusion ™ is a therapy I developed to bring the etheric and physical bodies back into alignment to live in unified harmony.

I begin by liftinig your etheric body from your physical body, during which time I remove all negative energies and replace them with positive energies. Your etheric body is anchored down so it can't float away.

Once the etheric body has been properly prepared, I balance your feminine and masculine sides using spiritually guided crystals to remove unwanted negative energies and restart your Chakra system. When both bodies have been completely balanced, I put your two bodies back together to live in unified harmony.

Crystal Fusion Therapy

The Etheric body is the first or lowest layer in the “human energy field” or aura. It is said to be in immediate contact with the physical body, to sustain it and connect it with “higher” bodies.

The Etheric Body gives vitality, health, life and organization to the Physical Body. It attunes our consciousness to the principle of Energy. It brings energies from the higher bodies down into our physical consciousness.

Etheric energy can be seen as well as felt. Our Etheric form is made of numerous energy channels called nadis or meridians. There are seven major energy centers, called chakras, that are connected to the endocrine glands and process seven main types of conscious- ness. There are 21 minor energy centers and many smaller energy centers. Our etheric body surrounds our physical bodies like an outline, controlling every cell and keeping the flesh alive. It breathes our unique soul patterns and contains the blueprint of our karma. It consists of four unique energies; electromagnetic, life-force, sound/light, and photographic. It is the energetic life force that draws healing light into our physical bodies. It is different from the aura, which is an emotional body of energy surrounding the physical and etheric. Mastering control of your etheric body is the key to ultimate healing and elevating your vibrational energy.

The etheric body is what feeds life force to your physical body from the Solar Logos, (The linking principle between Spirit and matter or the Divine Being or beings ensouling our solar system) and so that is the importance of prana, the chakras and the energy meridians. The state of being of your etheric body is going to determine the quality of, and how much life force is coming into your physical body. By the same token, the etheric body is responsive to the emotional body. This is part of their relationship, which is also termed the astral body. So if your emotions are filled with hostility and hatred and feelings of vengeance and this sort of thing, then your etheric body is responsive to that. Disease manifests in the etheric body first. Then it is expressed in the physical body.

Once emotional and mental bodies are cleared of all traumas and imprints, it is time to now focus on the etheric body which interfaces the emotional body-mental/astral bodies.

Etheric Body

The etheric body also called our etheric double, holds the program for our physical body. So whatever is effecting our etheric bodies ability to hold our Divine Blueprint would need to be addressed. And one of the most critical blocks in healing is to remove miasmic imprints to allow for a permanent healing to take place in the physical body as well.

All life forms including plants and animals have an etheric body. Nothing physical can be alive without the etheric body as it feeds the physical with energy which is vital for its health and survival. Astral forces interact with the etheric layer and thereby transform basic life-force chi into many other types. The astral actually grasps the etheric and this is how it incarnates and creates with the physical substances. This interaction between the astral and etheric is the same in humans and animals. The main difference is that humans and animals have their own astral body whereas plants receive astral forces from other beings as well as the astral fields surrounding the planet.

Miasms are imprinted defects held in our etheric body field. They can be passed down to us through our parents during conception as they are held in the etheric fields of our parents . They can be held in our own etheric makeup and unless removed can eventually manifest as physical illness or can at very least keep us from obtaining ultimate wholeness, health and well being.

Miasms are also carried in the soil of the Earth as for thousands of years they have been established into the material matter of the planet due to disease, pestulence and unsanitary conditions. The imprint of them can be picked up by contact with the miasms held in the soil.

Simply put, in Homeopathy, Miasms are a toxic or noxious influence on the body, producing illness. 

Miasms in the etheric body

Crystal Fusion™ is a very relaxing experience and you will walk away feeling refreshed and energized.

Sessions are typically 20 30 minutes in length.

Do you need to experience Crystal Fusion™?

First, lets understand the meaning of the Etheric Body and the colors associated with it.

Then, take a look at the pictures below and see the dramatic color changes after a Crystal Fusion™ experience.

The Seven Layers of the Aura

The aura consists of seven distinct layers, each connected to a different aspect of our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves. Here are the layers and their corresponding chakra connections:

Etheric Layer - Closest to the body, the Etheric Layer lies about one to two inches from the skin. It is tied to the root chakra and represents our physical vitality and health.

Emotional Layer - Situated beyond the Etheric Layer, the Emotional Layer can extend up to three inches outward. Connected to the sacral chakra, this layer reflects our emotions and feelings.

Mental Layer - The Mental Layer, linked to the solar plexus chakra, governs our thoughts and cognitive processes. It is located about three to eight inches from the body.

Astral Layer - The Astral Layer acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. Connected to the heart chakra, it is central to our relationships and love.

Etheric Template - Aligned with the throat chakra, the Etheric Template is considered the blueprint of our physical form, existing on the physical plane and influencing our communication and expression.

Celestial Layer - The Celestial Layer is where spiritual connection begins, tied to the Third Eye chakra. It is associated with intuition, enlightenment, and unconditional love.

Spiritual Layer - The outermost layer, the Spiritual Layer, is linked to the crown chakra. It represents our highest spiritual connection and is believed to be associated with psychic abilities and higher consciousness.

How to See Your Aura Color

Understanding the colors of your aura can reveal a lot about your emotional and spiritual state. During an aura reading or photograph, these colors can manifest, each bringing its own unique energy and meaning.

Red - Associated with the root chakra, red embodies vitality, strength, and passion. It signifies leadership, ambition, love, and sometimes rage and impulse.

Orange - Connected to the sacral chakra, orange represents creativity, confidence, and warmth. It brings balance, abundance, stimulation, security, and a sense of fun.

Yellow - Tied to the solar plexus chakra, yellow signifies personal power and optimism. It fosters freedom, logic, joy, inspiration, open-mindedness, and creative vibes similar to orange.

Green - Aligned with the heart chakra, green promotes healing, harmony, and acceptance. It is a soothing color connected to nature, bringing calm and patience.

Cobalt Blue - Cobalt blue resonates with empathy, loyalty, wisdom, and intuition. It also signifies self-expression, devotion, clarity, and peace.

Turquoise - Turquoise is linked to healing energies and is characterized by serenity, organization, influence, and inclusiveness.

Gold - Gold signifies spiritual wealth and a strong connection to spirituality. It brings energies of compassion, courage, and illumination.

Pink - A gentle color, pink embodies romance, love, sincerity, friendship, originality, and sympathy. It also represents sensitivity and generosity.

Lavender - Lavender is connected to leadership and spirituality. It brings energies of intuition, imagination, and a higher sense of purpose.

White - Associated with the crown chakra, white is the most spiritual aura color. It signifies generosity, integrity, and wisdom.

Seeing Your Aura Color

To see your aura color, you can try relaxation techniques and meditation to tune into your energy field. Aura readings or specialized photography can also capture and interpret the colors of your aura, helping you understand the messages your personal energy is conveying.

Energy Before a Crystal Fusion™ Session

Energy After a Crystal™ Fusion Session

One More Example...

While participating at a wellness fair, a young man was not "buying what I was selling". He understood Chakras but didn't believe they could be balanced with Crystals. I asked the gentleman doing aura pictures if he would take a before and after pic to prove my point, and I would pay for them. He agreed. I had the young man get on my Reiki table and proceeded to do a scan of his body. I told him that a couple of his Chakras were spinning slowly, but his Sacral Charkra was really messed up and told him so. He replied that he was not an "orange type of guy". Sacral Chakras are represented by the color orange. I proceeded to do Crystal Fusion™ on him and in the photo to the right, you can clearly see how the aura has changed to orange, a clear indication that there was a huge shift in the energy.

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