Chakra Restoration and Stabilization

Chakra Balancing

How do chakras influence your emotional and physical well-being? When chakras are balanced, aligned, and unblocked, energy can flow freely through them, harmonizing your body, mind, and spirit.

When chakras are blocked or out of balance, these energy centers can do the opposite. Blocked or interrupted energy flow can cause specific mental, physical, and spiritual problems.

Aligning and balancing your chakras isn’t tricky but does take a basic understanding of what they are, how the energy flows, and how to identify and correct blockages as well as imbalances.

If you feel you need your chakras rebalanced, you may want to work with a professional healer who can provide specific exercises and experiences to benefit you.

How do you know if your chakras are not functioning properly?

An out of balance chakra can either be overactive and flowing too freely or underactive, with blocked or impeded energy flow. Any chakra imbalance can affect the area of life it’s responsible for, causing mental health issues and physical symptoms.

Unbalanced chakras can affect parts of your body near to it not just your emotions. While there is no research to prove this, many people believe that prolonged imbalance of your chakras can lead to illness and loss of mental wellness.

Chakra Balancing near me

Root Chakra

Blocked, the root chakra can make you feel unsafe, ungrounded, scared, anxious, and worried because it’s associated with basic security. The physical and mental health issues associated can be, digestive upset, fatigue, depression, anemia, lower back pain, or sciatica.

When overactive, and the root chakra has too much energy running through it, you find yourself paying too much attention to material, physical things. You could also form unhealthy attachments to sex, eating, drugs, money, and alcohol.


Sacral Chakra

If your sacral chakra is blocked, it can make it challenging to get pleasure or enjoy life by causing depression and anxiety, sexual dysfunction, and urinary problems. You may also feel uninspired and be blocked creatively.


An overactive sacral chakra makes you more susceptible to addictive behaviors and emotional mood swings.


Solar Plexus Chakra


Blockage of the solar plexus chakra leads to poor self-esteem, indecision, and low confidence meaning you will generally feel bad about yourself and have difficulty seeing your worth. A blocked solar plexus also leads to inaction, procrastination, and apathy and can point to physical signs of digestive ailments.


If overactive, your solar plexus chakra is just the opposite. It gives you too much belief in your abilities and being arrogant, egotistical, hyperactive, and power-hungry.


Heart Chakra


The heart chakra is the seat of love and compassion and can make you feel sad, betrayed, angry, or jealous when blocked. Some people put up a wall and are unable to connect with others emotionally, making relationships suffer. Heart disease, respiratory conditions, breast cancer, and high blood pressure are some of the physical ailments of a blocked heart chakra.


Too much energy in the heart chakra can make you too loving leading to unhealthy co-dependent relationships and harmful attachments.


Throat Chakra


If you find it difficult to express yourself, (you can’t speak your truth and fear judgment from others), then you may have a blocked throat chakra. Physically, your body expresses this blockage as a sore throat, neck stiffness, a thyroid condition, or tension headaches.


If you find yourself talking too much, dominating conversations, and not listening to others, as well as becoming overly critical and judgemental, then you likely have too much energy in your throat chakra.


Third Eye Chakra


Having a blocked third eye means your intuition has been reduced. Often times when this happens, you might not feel like you can hear or trust your inner voice, which finds you overanalyzing situations. Physically, you may be struggling with depression, anxiety, headaches, memory, concentration, and sleep.


Your imagination can run away from you if your third eye is too open. Too much energy might even make you hallucinate or experience delusions and paranoia.


Crown Chakra


If you feel disconnected, numb, or without purpose, then a blocked crown chakra is most likely the problem, although some people simply feel normal but lack spiritual enlightenment. To get energy flowing to through the highest chakra isn’t easy and could require specific exercises and meditation to get to that state.


If you feel greedy, unsatisfied, and arrogant then your crown chakra is too open, leaving you feeling disconnected from others and the divine.

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