Chakra Energy Work

Chakra Energy Work

The Chakra System and what the Chakras represent

Imagine energy flowing through pathways within the body a little like blood flows through arteries and veins. Where these energy pathways cross each other there’s a concentration of power, an energy hot spot. And where many of the energy pathways cross each other there’s a major energy hot spot. The energy pathways are known as Meridians… and the energy hot spots as Chakras. The Chakras are represented by Chakra colors. Chakra balancing can be done by intuitively opening them up (usually by an energy practitioner), removing negative thoughts and restoring them to a state of well being. Some energy practitioners use Chakra stones to help restore balance and remove unfavorable thoughts and actions driven by today’s societal pressures. The designs of the Chakra symbols originate from the lotus flower. There are different kinds of lotus flowers so there are different designs of the Chakra symbols.

The Chakras are the areas of the highest density of energy and therefore the easiest place to exchange energy with the outside world. To those people who can see energy, Chakras may look like spinning balls or wheels of life, hence the name.

I myself see the colors of the Chakras that are closed or spinning slowly when I touch you while doing Chakra balancing. There are seven major Chakras. The Chakras are numbered from the first Chakra which is the base/root Chakra up to the seventh ending at the crown. The Chakras create a pathway of spinning energy hot spots along the axis of the body.

Chakras go in and out of balance and alignment naturally fluctuating with everyday highs and lows. The little stresses of life, minor illnesses, emotions and even your thoughts can change the equilibrium of the Chakra system. Your energy and therefore your Chakras are influenced by everything you do. When you’re feeling anxious or unwell or not following your path in life, your Chakras may shift way out of alignment and if left untreated take a long time to realign.

bathe my soul
healing touch

Defining the roles of the Chakras


root chakra

Element: Earth

Crystals - black, smoky, brown or red


Lower half of body, legs, feet, base of spine, lower discs

1. The first or Root Chakra is the the color red and represents survival, health, abundance, connection to earth and moving forward in life, assertiveness, determination, passion, practical matters, endings and new beginnings, fight or flight instinct.
Emotionally, when the Root Chakra is blocked, nothing seems to happen. The lack of balance prevents the release of grief and other restricting emotions that hold you back. The dysfunction of your Root Chakra prevent you from appreciating things in life. You can feel distance from family and friends and unsettled. As you start to feel alone, insecurity can set in leading to anxiety and panic attacks. In extreme circumstances addictions, phobias and obsessions can develop.
Physically, when the Root Chakra is out of balance, it represents such symptoms as chronic lower back pain, varicose veins, sciatica, water retention, constipation, diarrhea some fertility issues and disorders, health of the groin, hips, pelvis, lower end of the digestive system, legs, knees ankles and feet.
Spiritually, the Root Chakra connects you to the earth. It brings all of your spiritual knowledge and experience into your everyday life.

Root Chakra Affirmations

  • I am safe and secure at all times
  • I am divinely protected and guided and my way is made smooth and easy
  • I trust in the process of my life to unfold for my highest good and greatest joy


sacral chakra

Element: Water

Crystals - orange, golden or brown


Reproductive system, sensual organs/genitals

2. The second Chakra or the Sacral Chakra is Orange. It represents connection to other people, creativity, energy and confidence, sex, fertility, relationships, independence, joy, stamina and happiness.
Emotionally, the Sacral Chakra has the ability to store instantly usable energy. It provides energy on demand. It makes your creativity flow so you touch everyone with your warmth. This is what happens when you say someone is a warm person. This Chakra brings new relationships, friendships and opportunity into your life, promoting happiness’s and dispelling sadness. It can have a profound effect in the treatment of eating disorders.
Physically, the Sacral Chakra affects the intestines, spleen, kidneys and gallbladder. Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, gynecological problems, disorders around the pelvic girdle, sexual potency and urinary problems. It helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and when this doesn’t happen it shows as cramps, excessive bleeding an erratic cycle or PMS.
Spiritually, the Sacral Chakra enhances all psychic abilities as you connect unimpeded to Spirit, God, the Divine, the Source, the Universal Creative Life Force or whatever you believe is out there. When this Chakra is balanced, it’s energy gives you a sense of peace and bringing calmness to all you do.

Sacral Chakra Affirmations

  • I allow abundance and prosperity into my life

  • I am good enough to have what I want

  • I release my negative attitudes, which block my experience of pleasure


solar plexus chakra

Element: Fire

Crystals - yellowish, clear yellow, golden, orange, clear with gold/yellow/red


Stomach, digestive system, main organs, intestines, middle back, core muscles

3. The third Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra is yellow. It is your physical center and represents personal power and emotions, confidence, logic, memory, adaptability and recovery after surgery.
Emotionally, the Solar Plexus Chakra represents lack of concentration, feeling drained, insomnia, and falling asleep during the day. This Chakra is greatly affected by stress. Trying to do too much leads to a lack of quality time. This Chakra when healthy, promotes versatility as you learn to adapt from one situation to the next.
Physically, the Solar Plexus Chakra affects digestive disorders, indigestion, food allergies, stomach ulcers, intestinal disorders, gallstones and bile, liver ailments and eating disorders. It promotes the healthy functioning of the lymphatic and nervous systems, enhances healthy metabolism and aids the pancreas’s and adrenal gland. Part of its role is balancing blood sugar levels to help diabetes.
Spiritually, the Solar Plexus Chakra puts our beliefs, ideas, thoughts and creative inspiration into practice where we act on the concepts of trust and honor. A balanced Solar Plexus gives your actions purpose.

Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations

  • I am worthy of my own self-love, 
There are no failures
  • I learn from everything I do

  • I release judgment and let my life flow
I am worthy of the very best in life


heart chakra

Element: Air

Crystals - green of any shade, aquamarine, pink
or clear with pink or green


heart, upper respiratory, chest, breasts, middle back, sternum

4. The fourth Chakra or Heart Chakra is green. It represents love, safety, trust, adventure and relationships, compassion, hope, kindness, gentleness and sleep.
Emotionally, when the Heart Chakra is out of balance, we lose touch with our emotions. Relationships of all kinds suffer and we become detached from the world around us. As this condition grows, we lock away not only our feelings as we express them, but our own inner truth or soul or spirit. We stop advancing our life path.
Physically, the Heart Chakra affects the heart, chest, lungs, and treats associated ailments and conditions such as asthma, pneumonia, some allergies, breast, upper back and shoulder problems, colds, influenza, fevers, ulcers and stress related illness.
Spiritually, the Heart Chakra supports not just physical love between people but a spiritual love of life itself. This is the energy that makes a relationship special, keeps you up talking all night and gives you that extra sparkle. It keeps your connection deep to your loved one. All fear stems from this energy center. When we encounter something that makes us careful, it is because of a stagnation of energy in this Chakra which in turn pushes down to the Solar Plexus giving us that sinking feeling.

Heart Chakra Affirmations

  • I open my heart to love

  • I am pure, good and innocent
I am confident that the healing power of God’s love will heal my mind, heart and body


throat chakra

Element: Space/Akasha

Crystals - blue of any color, aquamarine, clear with blue


throat, shoulders, upper chest, thyroid, hormonal flow

5. The fifth Chakra or Throat Chakra is blue. It represents communication, expression, responsibility, freedom and leadership, creation, faith, knowledge and willpower.
Emotionally, when the Throat Chakra is out of balance we can lose focus easily. This is commonly identified in children as attention deficit disorders often linked with hyperactivity with the lack of concentration and the need to always be doing something and the inability to relax. Emotional trauma can have a severe effect on the health of the Throat Chakra. In extreme cases it can leave us with the inability to express any emotion at all. This leads to inhibitions in almost every area of life causing feelings of unease, nervousness, anxiety, and panic attacks. It can even make you feel like you are under psychic attacks from others.
Physically, the Throat Chakra affects the nose, sinuses, throat, tonsils, esophagus, ear problems, jaws, teeth, gums, mouth, tongue, neck and nervous system. Common symptoms of imbalance are sore throat, loss of voice, tonsillitis,’s over or under active thyroid, mouth ulcers and teeth and gum conditions, headaches and ear infections.
Spiritually, the Throat Chakra is strongly linked to communication with spirits. A sense of justice, sacred knowledge, and wisdom will come from the Chakra whether conscious or not.

Throat Chakra Affirmations

  • I am able to harness my will power to control addictive influences in my life
  • It is safe and right for me to express the best of who I am now
  • I substitute love, joy and creative expression for old patterns of addiction and abuse


third eye chakra

Element: Space/Akasha

Crystals - Stones that are deep blue, purple, violet


eyes, head space, frontal lobes (brain)

6. The sixth Chakra or Third Eye Chakra is indigo. It represents mind, ideas, thoughts, dreams and psychic abilities, openness to new ideas, honesty, truth and teaching.
Emotionally, when the Third Eye is imbalanced, negative ideas set in and thoughts tumble aimlessly through our mind. It clogs up creative paths forming a fog in our mind. Intellectual and psychic abilities suffer and we can feel blocked to new ideas and stuck in an emotional and mental rut, and in some cases mental illness can set in.
Physically, an imbalance in the Third Eye Chakra can result in headaches, migraines, learning difficulties, autism, asbergers syndrome, neurological disorders, personality disorders, spinal conditions, problems with nerve endings, sinuses and seizures.
Spiritually, the Third Eye Chakra is linked to our psychic and spiritual skills. We can all access these as they are and natural abilities everyone has. They enhance our physical senses through a stream of data that is processed subconsciously most of the time. This also promotes, clarity inspiration and innovation.

Third Eye Chakra Affirmations

I think positive thoughts about myself and everything around me

I open myself to my intuition and deepest knowing

I focus on what I love and draw it to me


crown chakra

Element: Light

Crystals - violet, clear, rainbow colored


crown of the head, brain, the upper head, hair/scalp

7. The seventh Chakra or Crown Chakra is Violet. It represents spirituality, connection to universe, imagination, awareness and optimism, enthusiasm, originality, connection to angels, values, ethics, selflessness and seeing the bigger picture.
Emotionally, when the Crown Chakra is out of balance, we feel unconnected. It can seem that we are lost and just wandering around through life without purpose or direction. Any optimism or enthusiasm evaporates as this energy sinks down through the other six Chakras. We lose sight of the bigger picture and we find ourselves focusing on insignificant detail.
Physically, a balanced Crown Chakra can help relieve energy disorders, depression and extreme sensitivity to the environment. It will aid in whole body healing, help maintain health, benefiting the brain, spine and nervous system in particular and will provide pain relief. It helps to relieve neurological and autoimmune disorders, skin conditions, dementia, Parkinson’s disease and MS.
Spiritually, the Crown Chakra is your connection to all of the energy in the universe. The universe is what ever you choose to call it, be it the Source, Christ, God, Goddess, a combination of several deities, universal energy, Buddha, the name doesn’t matter the connection does. It is the source of everything in life, our inspiration to go further, our guide providing the route map’s of our life plan and our light that shows us the way.

Crown Chakra Affirmations

  • I am open and receptive to all life
  • I am open to the goodness and abundance of the universe
  • I am willing to go beyond my limitations to express and experience greater joy


crown chakra

Crystals - Ruby, Rutilated or Lemurian Quartz, ‘Aura’ Crystals, Platinum

Archangelic protector: Metatron – enters via the Crown

8. The eighth Chakra or Soul Star Chakra is a luminescent white color with shades of green, blue, and purple and is known as the seat of the soul. It’s central to our purpose, life mission, and connection to a greater spiritual and universal consciousness.

When the Soul Star Chakra is balanced, we have clarity of purpose and why we chose this incarnation. When balanced, it can help clarify and orient us on our soul purpose and helps us break through our limiting beliefs.  We'll move through a meaningful life with conviction and ease because our authentic self is more easily revealed and accurate. This Chakra

connects us to other dimensions or worlds, including those used in past-life regression, shamanic healing, psychic trance, and mediumship.

People with a blocked or unbalanced Soul Star Chakra may feel ungrounded or disconnected from the earth, confused, lacking purpose, spacey, excessively daydreaming, unsettled, and directionless. An obsession with spirituality and enlightenment is also a sign.

Physical problems include headaches and dizziness.

Soul Star Chakra Affirmations

  • I am one with Divinity
  • I transcend karma and my ego
  • I transcend all self-imposed limitations
  • I transcend my emotions
  • I am a spiritual being having a physical experience
  • I am one with all


crown chakra

Crystals - Golden, brown, smokey, copper or metallic covered stones

Archangelic protector: Sandalphon – enters via the feet

9. The ninth Chakra or Earth Star Chakra is Brown or Gray, depending on how you see it. The Earth Star Chakra is known as The Daughter of the Earth and is considered the "super root" because of the grounding energy center that belongs to the etheric body that represents our “anchor” for both the physical and the spiritual worlds.

When your Earth Star Chakra is balanced, it means we are connected with the ground and therefore interconnected to the energy and information of others, while also connected  to the collective consciousness of all humanity. This theory suggests that we are all part of one collective consciousness serving a universal purpose, and common divine force.

Physicaly, a balanced Earth Star Chakra will create a healthy and stable connection from the etheric body to the physical one and is considered to be the anchor of the whole chakra system, especially of those seven main chakras.

People with blocked or unbalanced Earth Star Chakras may feel lonely or homesick, and feel “not of the earth”, unstable, not grounded, stuck, disoriented, and confused as to their life’s purpose.

Soul Star Chakra Affirmations

  • My energy is completely grounded and stable
  • I connect with the healing energy of Mother Earth
  • I am grounded and supported by Mother Earth
  • The energy of Earth flows through me and recharges me
  • I am open to receive Mother Earth’s powerful energy
  • I release all negativity, unwanted emotions, and negative behaviors into Mother Earth

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